Finishing my first full week at home and for some reason I had much less time to myself than I expected! Not that that’s a bad thing, but I pictured naps and movies in the afternoon, and that just didn’t happen!
I did come across an interesting article about napping though. It does in fact boost brain power and I particularly like the reference to the brain email inbox. Have you ever felt like you are on communication overload?
In any case, I am still focusing on ME time over the next couple of weeks. I am enjoying a lot more quality time with my husband and my son and we are even going on a ski trip in a couple of weeks. (Well, there will be people skiing around us, anyway.)
ME Time is really important in general, but when you run your own business and work from home, you can only be GREAT for your clients if you make sure to take care of yourself first. By taking care of yourself, you will be much more prepared to take care of others.
Note to self: book facial and pedicure (spring is on the way and if you know me, that means sandals!!) and maybe even a haircut and a massage. I deserve it!