Along with schedule adjustments and down-time to read, it is also time to renovate the office. Now that I am working from home full-time again, I am no longer running in and out of my office, dropping things where they may fall. Now is the time to clean the environment around me so that I can focus only on my work when I enter my office each morning.
I have already shopped for a new office chair, which I have needed for way too long. I have already set up my music selection which I love!
I have a great filing system for my email, computer files and paper files, but I am looking forward to purging, purging, purging much of this that is no longer necessary to keep on file. I’ll give my recycle bin and my shredder a workout, that’s for sure!
I will clear the clutter that has accumulated in my office. I have two desks in my office and one of them is a catch-all for all kinds of paper. I clean it off occasionally, but now I will want to work at that desk, so I will have to make sure that I have a better way of managing the stuff that ends up there now!
Of course as I purge, I am finding all kinds of gems that I have printed or saved over the last several months ‘to read when I have time’. The collection of free ebooks and reports and mp3s is really mind-boggling. Luckily my computer filing system is good and I am having no trouble going through them, picking out the important pieces, and purging the rest. I will probably share some of these with you as I weed through them!
I always thought that electronic copies of things were more environmentally friendly, but my computer hard drive disagrees! I have recently done the same with email lists that I belonged to that were not serving me. It’s important to keep the flow of information that comes in front of you relevant and pertinent, in order to maintain your focus and clarity.
As I brighten the space around me by clearing the clutter in all of these areas, I am making really tidy room for the client work that is on the horizon! Looking forward to it!