You know what they say about the best laid plans … even the most carefully planned projects can throw you a wrench when you least expect it.
Picture this: it’s Monday and you set up your task list for the week. Looks good, you have fit everything in and you know you can deliver it all on time. But what happens if something goes wrong? Do you have a ‘plan b’ in place so that you can still manage when something goes wrong?
Say on Tuesday one or more of the following situations comes up and threatens to mess up your tidy task list.
- you get sick or injured
- your child or a family members gets ill and requires your care
- a great client calls with a last minute project that they need you to find time for
- you have technical difficulty with a task that you only allowed a set amount of time to do
- you lose your internet connection for a prolonged period of time
- you get more than one referral or prospects call needing proposals
Do you have a backup plan?
If you haven’t thought about what you would do in any of these situations, now is the time to do so! By the time you need to have a contingency plan in place, it will be too late. The time to get your plan in place is when you don’t need it!
Your contingency plan doesn’t have to be complicated – just put together the basics when you have time:
- find someone (or more than one someone!) who can help you out when you need it
- put together procedures for the tasks you take care of on a daily basis
- set up an intake process for new clients
- develop a project management protocol
Don’t wait until it’s too late!
As a solopreneur,you can sometimes go from 0-60 in no time flat. Make sure you are prepared for that before it happens by going through the steps above and developing your contingency plan.
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