Twitter in Plain English

I have been on Twitter for a few months now, and this is about the best description that I have seen to date, of how Twitter works, and why people love it!

As a virtual assistant, I have found Twitter to be an invaluable networking tool for my business. I think you might like it too!

Watch this short video (just over 2 minutes).

If you think you might be interested in seeing what Twitter is all about, go to to set up your own account.

Follow me at – I’d love see what you are doing!

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Twitter in Plain English — 6 Comments

  1. Hey Tracey,

    I thought you might be interested in something that I just discovered….Twhirl… it makes using Twitter easier and more accessible.

  2. Pingback: ALL ABOUT SEARCH ENGINES: Professional Directions

  3. my God, i thought you were going to chip in with some decisive insight at the end there, not leave it with ?we leave it to you to decide?.