Tweet Are you a small business owner, consultant, speaker or coach that still ‘does it all’ in your business? If you are, you’re not alone. When we start out running our own business, we inevitably have to wear all of … Continue reading
Tag Archives: transition
Tweet When you are considering getting support in your business, it can sometimes be difficult to figure out where to begin. I say, begin at the beginning! The first thing you need to do is to make a list of … Continue reading
Tweet Over the March Break, we were lucky enough to get together with family at Mont Tremblant in Quebec, which is about 2 hours or so from our house. My son had gone skiing on a couple of school trips … Continue reading
Tweet So here I am, still transitioning my business to the beautiful vision that it is inside my head! I am making space in my day, making space in my business, for new clients and more business from existing clients. … Continue reading
Tweet I spent most of last weekend cleaning my office and my filing system and my computer of unnecessary files and emails and programs that I rarely used. It’s nice to be able to sit down and get that doneĀ … Continue reading
Tweet Along with schedule adjustments and down-time to read, it is also time to renovate the office. Now that I am working from home full-time again, I am no longer running in and out of my office, dropping things where … Continue reading
Tweet So what does one do when one finds a bit of extra time in the schedule? Go back to the books, of course! I am in the process of reworking my schedule and as a result am finding pockets … Continue reading
Tweet Finishing my first full week at home and for some reason I had much less time to myself than I expected! Not that that’s a bad thing, but I pictured naps and movies in the afternoon, and that just … Continue reading
Tweet So I am finally entering the transition stage that I have been long awaiting. For twelve years I have been working from my home office, but there have been times that I have taken on work with one or … Continue reading