31 Days of Laughter – Day 1 to Day 7

Found this great idea from my colleague Anastacia Brice about paying attention to how much laughter is in my life (I know there is a lot!).  Of course we all know how great laughter is for the soul, but it’s also good for your blood pressure, your stress level, and so many other things.

The rules are simple: make a point of laughing every day for 31 days – and share it with those around you if you like!

I am going to share my daily laugh (well, one of them …!) here on my blog.

To learn more about how to incorporate more laughter into your life, and to take part in this fun little challenge, visit:  http://www.31daysoflaughter.com/

Tee hee! Looking forward to sharing!

Day 1 – sitting at Mom’s, having a couple of drinks, trading innocent insults with Tony, and all of a sudden Owen stands up, hands flapping, and hollers, “you’re tearing this family apart!”  OMG too funny!

Day 2 – watching Blue Collar Comedy Show movie – Jeff Foxworthy is giving redneck definitions of words: INITIATE (use it in a sentence): My sister ate two hamburgers … in-i-ti-ate some potato chips. 🙂

Day 3 – one of my clients and I were discussing how many people I know who have died in the last year and a half (four in the last couple of weeks, actually … that’s not the funny part, obviously). He asked, ‘Is it safe to know you at all?’ I actually laughed out loud. I don’t think he was joking, but it was my best laugh of the day (as I prepared to take the following day off for a very sad memorial service).

Day 4 – more laughs today than I expected, given the sad occasion … but had a good one with Sean for sure … purposely driving the wrong way down a one way street to get a parking spot … with a whole bunch of cops watching us!

Day 5 – watching GrownUps … Steve Buscemi was sooo funny in the body cast!

Day 6 – Family Ball Tournament – how can I choose just one laugh? hmmm … okay, then Carina and Brad Quinn singing Jesse’s Girl at our karaoke. 🙂

Day 7 – Family Ball Tournament – again, so many laughs … watching Terry Helem get down on his knees to pitch to Tommy Doyle in our alumni game (and Tommy hit it!)

Next week we’ll do it again!

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31 Days of Laughter – Day 1 to Day 7 — 2 Comments

  1. I laugh out loud more than once every day, but I know people who don’t … so I think this is so much fun to share, Anastacia!